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Ultimate Cup Europe EX6 Three Great Angels 1st

EX6 Three Great Angels 1st place Aitor Martín Bravo

… have fun playing a deck, if you like a deck play it!

Introduce yourself, who are you and how did you start with the TCG?

My name is Aitor Martín Bravo also known as Bloody, 28 years old and a Spanish player from Madrid. I usually play at the game store named Padis. I’m not a very competitive person but rather play for fun and enjoyment, although like any other Digimon TCG player I like to win.

I started playing the Digimon TCG at around BT8 New Awakening with a Mastemon deck. I've always played Yellow and Purple because of their designs. Together with some friends we created a team to help each other with getting cards, share time and play together, we call ourselves Sleeping Forest.

I played CardFight Vanguard for years and after a reset I stopped playing. Some friends told me about the Digimon TCG release, I didn't doubt it and started playing the game.
Are there other Digimon TCG related achievements you’ve had?

Social media

Favorite Digimon

My favorite digimon is Patamon. I have loved this Digimon since I was little and watched the anime. They were all very strong but he wasn’t until he got his first evolution. I always liked angels and I have had a Patamon stuffed animal in my bed since I was 3 years old.

Favorite Alternate Art

I think it's EX06-074 Mirei Mikagura, I just has fallen in love with the Mastemon deck and this art is just amazing!

Do you have any other Digimon TCG related achievements?

How did you prepare yourself for the event? What was your plan?

I didn't prepare in any specific way beyond playing with my friends and in some local tournaments. My plan was to be 1st and have a good time, it really worked!

Let’s talk about your deck! Why did you decide to bring this deck?

I think it is an underrated deck, it has answers to all the strongest and most popular decks, it has good consistency, different ways of playing and I really love the angels.

Deck details

Three Great Angels
10th Aug 2024
Event type
Ultimate Cup
Aitor Martín


43 4 3 1 3
Yellow Blue Yellow Green Yellow Purple Yellow Purple
4 37 9 4
Digitama Digimon Tamer Option
4 11 8 8 9 1
Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7


Digimon TCG Card 'BT13-034' 'Kudamon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT14-033' 'Patamon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT15-034' 'Salamon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT9-033' 'Pillomon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT14-102' 'Angemon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT15-037' 'Gatomon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT16-024' 'MagnaAngemon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT15-038' 'Angewomon'


Digimon TCG Card 'EX6-035' 'Cherubimon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT14-041' 'Seraphimon'


Digimon TCG Card 'EX6-030' 'Dominimon'


Digimon TCG Card 'EX4-074' 'ShineGreymon: Ruin Mode'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT4-097' 'Kari Kamiya'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT14-084' 'T.K. Takaishi'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT8-090' 'Kari Kamiya'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT15-092' 'Revelation of Light'



Digimon TCG Card 'BT14-003' 'Tokomon'


Explain your card choices, why are they so important?

This deck is really important for all your decisions and you must know how to read the meta well.
For example: EX6-035 Cherubimon Ace is essential to play against BT16-102 Magnamon (X Antibody). The card BT15-092 Revelation of Light is your way to play against the Numemon deck. BT4-097 Kari Kamiya choice is to steal the turn from a Magnamon deck player Likewise the core Digimon of the deck are BT14-033 Patamon, BT15-037 Gatomon, BT14-102 Angemon, BT16-024 MagnaAngemon, BT15-038 Angewomon, EX6-030 Dominimon.

Are there any combos you can pull off?

This deck has a multitude of possible plays.

As I already said, to fight against Numemon the -5k DP for the turn via ​​BT15-092 Revelation of Light playing BT14-102 Angemon from security is the best!

Against BT16-102 Magnamon (X Antibody) which isn’t affected by opponent effects or BT16-048 TyrantKabuterimon which isn’t affect by Digimon when suspended, you should play EX6-035 Cherubimon Ace or BT14-102 Angemon to use the DP reduction.

One of the most powerful combos is to play or digivolve into BT16-024 MagnaAngemon, then digivolve into EX6-030 Dominimon from your security to then be able to use MagnaAngemon digivolve effect to put another MagnaAngemon at the bottom of your security. Using the Digivolving effect of Dominimon you then can play MagnaAngemon from security and do the same thing over again. For a cost of 3 + 2 + 2 memory you could have two level 6 Digimon on the field and one level 5, all with protection when they would leave the battle area and destroy the opponent’s table.

Three Great Angles is an deck that works best when Digivolving and the most optimal order for this should be: BT14-003 Tokomon, BT14-033 Patamon, BT15-037 Gatomon, BT16-024 MagnaAngemon, EX6-030 Dominimon.
This way you will have a Digimon that cannot leave the battle area by your effects and cannot be destroyed in battle with blocker as long as you have security cards left.

Another play that gave me the victory in a somewhat risky play, was hard playing Dominimon for 12 memory cost in order to avoid the De-Digivolve effect of BT9-112 DeathXmon or in that specific case EX6-056 Beelzemon.

What matchups did you think could be hard or easy?

I think the easiest matchups would be Armor Vaccine, TyrantKabuterimon, Seven Great Demon Lords, Security Control, MirageGaogamon and any deck that can't deal with Dominimon.
Against Numemon is an even matchup that goes on too long due to the style of both decks, which is why it is usually a tie or even only play 1 game.

In my opinion it is difficult to play against Imperialdramon. Maybe he is the one against whom I suffer the most because of the speed of that deck.


  • Examon 2-0
  • Armor Vaccine 2-0
  • Armor Vaccine 2-0
  • Numemon 1-1
  • Armor Vaccine 1-0
  • Armor Vaccine 2-0
  • Seven Great Demon Lords 2-0

Here are the most interesting rounds.

Round 1: 2-0 Examon

When I saw the Examon deck I was surprised because I didn't know the deck, but it was really a simple game since the Evade effect is useless against DP reduction and my deck has a lot of consistency on the table.

Round 5: 1-0 Armor Vaccine

In general against Magnamon X, it is relatively easy to play. In round 5 I faced one of the best players. Juan (DrZaius) and his plays always leave me with the least possible memory possible along with BT8-094 Digimon Emperor turn 1. This made the game last a lot as each of us had to do our best. In the end I won, but anyone could have won this match.
The play that determined the victory was a EX6-035 Cherubimon Ace which I played for 7 memory cost from hand that completely destroyed the opponent's field.

Round 7: 2-0 Seven Great Demon Lords

Against Seven Great Demon Lords the first game was easy, the second was complicated since I couldn't draw EX6-030 Dominimon, which is key for holding control on the board. The second game lasted so long that the opponent was able to play 2x EX6-073 Ogudomon. Despite everything the angels hold their foot on the ground thanks to playing Dominimon for 12 memory cost as well as playing 3x BT15-092 Revelation of Light during the match. This left me with enough lives to destroy their entire board and deny my opponent’s moves.

What was the weakness and strength of your deck?

Its greatest strength is versatility and consistency.
Its weakness is not being able to Digivolve and another weakness is the De-Digivolve.

If you had to change something, what would it be?

I'm not going to change anything, I really like this list a lot.

Is there anything you want to share with other players?

My only advice to everyone is that you have to have fun playing a deck, if you like a deck play it!

Any shoutouts or special thanks?

I would like to name the store where I have been hanging out for years, the Padis Store.
I would also like to name other teams in my community of which I’m very fond of and who make quality content. They're incredibly good players and even better people, I encourage you to check out their networks.

And finally thanks to my teammates

  • GateK
  • Bernkastel
  • GeorgeGT
  • Zaapygarcia

A nice poem

"The trees entangle their arms and stretch upward into the sky."

"The budding leaves devour the light, adding depth to the forest's darkness."

"The hunter does not notice the glare nor the claws of the beast biding in the darkness."

"Tonight is the night when the hunter will be hunted."

"This is the Sleeping Forest."

by: Sleeping Forest poem from Air Gear

Interviewed and special thanks to: Aitor Martín Bravo
Author: Digital Gate Open (Nathan van Hulst)